Marmaris Dental Turkey provides All on 4 for the complete mouth restoration of either arch (full set of teeth) with limited surgical incursion and without over-the-top expenses. Marmaris Dental Turkey's All on 4 Treatment is of exceptional quality at significantly reduced prices than Europe or the United States.
Bilateral All on 4 is a dental surgery that uses only four dental implants to support fixed dentures on either the upper or lower jaw. It's prosthodontics and surgical, dental treatment for people who suffer from severe tooth loss or have no teeth on either arch due to severe decays, wounds, or both. The surgery repairs two missing teeth (on the front) and two repaired teeth (at the back). The aim is to restore full-functionality teeth even if you have a lot of bone or tooth forfeit. Finally, All on 4 is minimally invasive yet highly effective in treating missing teeth. With this treatment choice, you can get your teeth back and have a beautiful smile again.
All on 4 is a "grafts" dental treatment. Dr Paulo Malo first used Nobel Biocare implants in 1998, and the technique has been highly successful in restoring full arch functionality for thousands of people worldwide since then. Marmaris Dental Turkey offers all four treatments with Nobel Biocare Dental Implants to provide our patients with the finest possible outcome.
Marmaris Dentals Turkey recommends all four treatments for patients with damaged teeth functionality. Physical harm to teeth, advanced decay, or gum disease-related tooth damage can all be treated with All on 4. In older individuals, teeth bone loss is quite common, and one of the most popular choices for treating age or illness-related bone loss is All on 4. The implants are placed in locations where your bone density is most incredible for long-term effects. The four implants support a denture with up to 14 teeth in total in one arch

All four treatment offers distinct characteristics that no other therapy can provide. The four primary aspects of the treatment include: 1. Full arch restoration 2. Dental restorations 3. Procedure that actually lessens the need for bone transplantation by using a graftless technique 4. It prevents and slows age-related or disease-induced bone loss.
To comprehend the full advantages of All on 4, you must first understand what dental implants are. Dental implants are false replicas of tooth roots created from titanium. They resemble a screw that a dentist surgically joins to your jawbone after putting in the implant. You have a fully-functioning prosthetic tooth that is now permanently attached to your mouth.Dental implants are so natural-appearing and comfortable that even you would not be able to tell the difference.
All on 4 is somewhat different from other implants. Instead of using a single implant to replace a single tooth, four titanium implants serve as a solid base for a temporary denture that can replace your entire arch of teeth instead of utilizing a single implant to restore one tooth. It promotes excellent oral health regardless of age. Changes in the shape of your jawbone can also result from jawbone loss. All four may be utilized to maintain your natural facial structure. Dentures, unlike implants, do not prevent bone loss. Dentures are also time-consuming to maintain and might be extremely unpleasant to wear at times. Implants are long-lasting and improve upon traditional dentures considerably.

Marmaris Dentals Turkey's staff of expert oral surgeons will manage your treatment. An initial evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for the four operations will start with an initial screening to see if your current health problem qualifies you for the procedure. If you meet the criteria, the oral surgeon will do a comprehensive examination to prepare for the surgery. The oral surgeon will utilize a CT scan of your mouth and possibly dental X-rays to install the implants. You will also have impressions of your upper and lower jaws, or whichever portion requires treatment. This is needed to create the prosthetic arch to fit your mouth precisely. You'll be ready to undergo surgery after the preparation for the operation is finished. The procedure does not need any sedatives, but you can ask for them if you wish. You will be utterly anaesthetized before the implants are inserted. You are free to talk about any issues with your Marmaris Dentals Turkey Dental Team and Patient Coordinators before going under anaesthesia.
The operation will begin when you are prepared. The oral surgeon will remove any damaged or loose teeth, as well as any diseased tissue if necessary. The oral surgeon will remove all infected tissues before the implants are inserted. Before the implants are placed, we will clean out your gums. The surgery will come to a close once the implants have been put in and your gums stitched up.
After the extraction, the rehabilitation process begins. Our prosthodontist will give you a temporary prosthetic arch so that you may start using it right now. The prosthetic hook is quick, but it will restore your smile and chewing function during your recuperation period. You'll be able to go when you receive your temporary prosthetic arch. Before you depart, our attentive Dental Team will walk you through proper oral care following surgery.
You will be given instructions on oral care and other topics after surgery. If necessary, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication to aid the healing process. The surgical incisions will heal in a week or two. However, you may expect to wait anywhere from three to six months for the dental implants to join your jawbone ultimately.
After three months, you'll be ready for Permanent Dentures. You will return to Turkey for a check-up on your Dental Implants and placement of your permanent denture. You will be able to chew again and smile after the conclusion of your therapy.
All four implants are beneficial and lifetime commitments; however, they are pretty expensive—all on four dental implant prices in the United States range from $20,000 to $50,000. In Europe, they are not any less costly. Marmaris Dentals Turkey supplies a lower-cost alternative to All on four treatments by using mass purchasing directly from the implant supplier and reflecting these savings to its patients.
Consequently, we can provide you with a lower quotation for the complete All on 4 treatment procedure, from initial screening to post-surgical care. The dental implants you obtain will be of the same high-quality brands as those available in Europe or the United States of America. However, the overall expense of the total treatment process will be much lower.
The Nobel Biocare brand offers the complete treatment solution under which All four treatment is available. We only suggest the world's best-known brands when it comes to Dental Implants because they are lifetime commitments. Get a free quotation for affordable All on 4 Dental Implants and save up to 70%.